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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Obama Sweeps!

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

Barack Obama swept yet another primary tonight, winning Virginia, Maryland, and D.C. by fairly large margins. All I got to say is Thank God. I know that he basically has the same platform as Hillary Clinton, but I cannot stand to look at her or listen to that familiar nagging voice. John McCain also swept tonight and it looks like he is going to be the nominee for the Republicans. I like McCain... Pros: He’s classy. He gets me. He was in the Navy. I trust him. Cons: I don’t really trust him. I actually consider myself pretty conservative, but I don't think the Republicans stand a chance this year. If it is going to between Hillary and Obama, I got to go with Obama. Listening to his speeches you actually do get inspired. Things are pretty bad right now, and I think he can change this country around. Look for a possible official endorsement from Mainstream soon.


RyGuy said...

Let me start by saying that I voted for GWB last year. Am I happy about that now? Was Japan happy about "Little Boy and Fat Man"? For the people that knew where I come from, who raised me, thinking about Obama as President is a split-finger fastball from Clemens' juiced arm I did not see coming.

With that said, enough with the Elephant's. This does not mean that I am jumping on the D-boat, but things need to change. Trotting out a war hero like the Republican’s of old is not going to cut it this time. The Iraq War was last election. This time the issues are right here at home. The housing market has hit rock bottom, more people then ever before in 2007 foreclosed on their home and stats say that 2008 maybe worse.

I grew up, and still do, love this country, and thank God that I live in the richest country in the World. Being a little older and able to understand what is going on, I am sorry but borrowing money from "shady" places in questionable countries makes me ask what the government is doing.

To quote Montgomery Gentry, "some people change", I know I have. I just hope people look at the future.

P.S. Someone please tell Obama to find a new church…that scares me.

Love the site

Kevin said...

Just for the Record, you are asked to comment at least once a week.

Mike said...

that comment is better than anything I'm likely to write.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. GWB and the elephants are trying to avoid a market crisis right now because too many Americans wanted to live the high life. But when people who dont have enough money take out home equity loans to buy fancy cars and blackberrys, that leads to trouble... Better times await.

I think we're getting close to a bottom, but that may change if Obama wins. His rhetoric is downright socialist. He wants to limit profits on corporations, implement huge tax increases on the top 2%, increase a bunch of unfunded mandates like the minimum wage, earned income tax credits, etc---a new era is coming if he's elected and actually does what he says he is going to do.

Then again we may get lucky and McCain may win and find his conservative side but it's all still up in the air at this point, so I am cautiously optimistic.

I look forward to MN's official endorsement.

Brigee said...

Miggy, you could not be more than right on Obama's policies. Obama as president could possibly be the most liberal president we have ever had in office since the beginning of the 20th Century. He wants universal health care (which could easily bankrupt our already fragile economy), he wants to immediately pull of of Iraq (which will only empower Al Qaeda), and he wants to end the Bush tax cuts (which may make companies to look overseas). Doesn't look good...

McCain is a good guy, I've always liked him, but I just don't see us winning in Iraq. We're trying to end a 5,000 year tradition with brute force. Democracies aren't born from the outside but from within. Bush made a valiant effort to make the Middle East a democracy, and therefore peaceful. But it is just not going to happen... at least not within the next 50 years. McCain does not want to admit defeat, as do I. But there is no point in sending in more Americans to be killed in action if it is a fight we cannot win. In today's age of cable news and YouTube people want results immediately, which is not going to happen. The reconstruction period of the U.S. took 20 years, and we were a modern country. The Middle East will take three times that amount. I for one, do not want to lose in Iraq... it would be disastrous for our country's reputation. However, I think that Obama could end the war while saving America's dignity. He would be by far be a better foreign representative than McCain. Not only that, but we need to stop worrying about the rest of the world and start worrying about the problems that face our country. The Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S. dollar (which is saying something) and China is expected to take us over economically in about 5 years. We need a President that cares about America and not the rest of the world's problems.