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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

As a rule I don't like to discuss politics in public.  I've learned that those conversations can get heated real quick.  But my hands are tied.  The banner on the website says we cover politics and well it's Election Day so we are going to cover politics.  In lieu of stating my own position, I'm just going to post an email from a friend.  To quote Don King... Only in America.


Democrats discount Mitt because he’s a “bozo”, the beer thing, the dog thing, none of that shit should matter. Here is the bottom line: the social implications of electing a Republican or a Democrat are immensely overblown. The American culture, from its very strict and ultra conservative Puritanical beginnings has, since our nation’s inception, been trending towards a liberal culture and nothing is going to stop that. Sure, electing certain officials can speed up or, yes, slow down the process but, eventually, we move towards progressive agendas. Gay marriage, abortion, women’s rights, racial and religious tolerance is going to happen eventually. The proliferation of information and education deems it as inevitable.

What we need right now, I would say, is someone who knows how to make and manage money. The country’s economy is in the shitter and yeah, Romney may be a stiff square who doesn't booze and is a Mormon but the man knows how to make the green flow and that, more than anything is what we need. He’s not going to roll back gay marriage, he’s not going to make interracial couples illegal, he’s going to try and make money which is what we need. It should be up to the states, in my opinion, to determine such social-centric policies and, yes, when the time comes the federal government may need to give those bible thumping, ultra religious states the push into the 21st century but that should not determine who you vote for because, as I said, it’s going to get there eventually.

I mean, what I would like to see neither party is going to offer, graduated flat taxes, federal term limits for Congress, the closing of military bases across the globe, the establishment of a firm border with Mexico using said military assets being reallocated, the closing of federal and state tax loopholes, the legalization and taxing of marijuana and, for that matter all drugs. What we need is a multi-party system so that you don’t sign your allegiance away to parties that are, by and large, driven by radicals on both sides of the aisle. As such, you have to use your conscious to decide the lesser between two evils and, though not ideal, it’s the process we currently have.

So yeah, in the end I will vote Republican and yes, empower conservative tea party assholes but right now I think we need a firm economic hand and if you want to make the argument that Obama is better at that than Romney go right ahead. You are falling into the “Who’d I rather hang out with” decision process which is, quite frankly, ridiculous.


ajohns said...

...speaking of incompetencies you should avoid the Norm Chows

Miggy said...

You don't like their 1-6 ATS record?

Just heinous.