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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Odds & Ends

// Quick Dark Knight Reset: I saw it again with my cousin on Monday night. I wanted to check and decide if my initial reaction was skewed from the sheer excitement and/or horniness I was feeling during my first viewing. I did the best I could to go in and look at the movie in a more critical light, not through fanboy goggles. I think I almost enjoyed it more the second time. I wasn't expending as much energy following the intricate plot details and I was able to focus on some of the subtleties that Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart brought to their villainous roles. By the way, if you haven't heard by now: Ledger is bona fide masterful as The Joker. There's just not any way to overstate it. Analogy: The way he flips back and forth from terrifying to hilarious is like he's bending out of a golf cart to pick up his ball on a fairway, but the way he incorporates The Joker's jovial/psychotic ranges and uses those broad strokes throughout the entire movie would be akin to him picking up the balls while driving that golf cart at 400 mph. Epic.

// It might be due to my own history as a sports mascot (Grosse Ile's first Red Devil, don'tcha know), but I find this to be one of the funnier virals I've seen in recent history.

I lose it every time when he flips the chair.

// Gummy Lighthouses. When candy design goes wrong. Seriously, wouldn't you think that someone at that company had at least once in their life been in a public restroom? Am I the only one using the restrooms with the dick drawings strewn about like confetti? And speaking of which, why is that funny? I'm not asking in the sense that I don't think it's funny. I think the occasional sketch of some crotch luggage is the highest of high comedy. Hilarious! But how come? Drawing a pair of cans never elicits the same uproar. Nor does the rare carton version of a lady's nether regions. Comparing those to penis drawings is like Pogs to Beanie Babies. Pogs were big and all... but Beanie Babies? No contest. What makes the cartoon penis so ubiquitous?

// I've never held it secret: I'm a Big Ten guy. I think the Big Ten is great, and everyone else I consider various degrees of not as great as the Big Ten. Misguided as this belief has been the past couple of years, I still love the Big Ten. While I abhor the SEC and have a slighter - but still formidable - degree of dislike for the ACC and the BIG XII, the Pac-10 is a conference I've never had a beef with. Maybe it's the whole Rose Bowl thing. Whatever the reason, I'm sad to report the unfortunate news that the world will probably be getting a little more sour on the Pac-10. More specifically, The University of Washington. I'll let the article speak for itself. Wait... I will say this: gross.

// My Life In a Cube. Wonderful blog. Very funny. And also, it's good if you're a moron because you barely have to read! Morons rejoice! The rest of us rejoice as well because it is pretty funny, but it's nice to see the morons win a battle every now and then.

// Here's actually another good link for people who don't like to read that much. The history of those "#1" foam fingers that your relatives get you at Christmas when they don't know anything about you other than you're a boy and there's a 50% chance you're a fan of the same teams as your Dad - to whom they've talked to about sports twice. Interesting side note: the high school mentioned in the article was the high school my buddy Danny Mac moved to after our sophomore year in high school. I wonder if he knew about this.

// Lastly, how often has this happened: you're getting a group picture, you're all set up, everybody smiles and... "WTF. Oh wait... dammit. The flash didn't... wait... oh crap am I taking a video?! I am! How do I turn this thing off-" Well, someone compiled a collection of these on YouTube. If that isn't stupid enough, consider this: SOMEONE ACTUALLY POSTED THESE EFFING THINGS. And if that's not stupid enough, consider this: I watched a couple, they're somehow a little entertaining, and I am now posting my favorite one.

No choice but to get it on.

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