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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Batman Day!

// Aaaahhhh!!!!!! I haven't been this excited for a movie since The Phantom Menace. I bought IMAX tickets for the midnight showing - like 3 weeks ago. In a related note, I don't have a girlfriend. Quickly - I have two things I want to share. The first is this picture:

// Secondly, a little advice: the next time you're at a party and there are toddlers and/or babies around, try this one. When you go up to the baby, introduce yourself like it's a formal business meeting. Shake the baby's hand, give him/her your full name. Say, "It's a pleasure to meet you..." It's good for a laugh like one every four times. Trust me, I've been doing this for like 8 years. 

// Enjoy the weekend. I'll be seeing The Dark Knight and visiting my main man Jace in Atlanta. Holla!

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