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Monday, August 11, 2008

Highly Offensive. More Highly Funny.

I'm so effing excited to see Tropic Thunder, mainly because of Robert Downey, Jr. Ben Stiller - he's not bad. He's made a bunch of movies I liked but really none that I've loved, and he's definitely capable of a crap-capade. I'm also of the opinion that Jack Black is funnier when he's doing something away from what has become his formula. When he was banging primarily with Tenacious D and stealing movies like High Fidelity or Mars Attacks! with his quirky, smaller roles was when I liked him best. But Downey. Jeez-o-peets. The last time I saw anyone do blackface was at a Halloween party in Mount Pleasant, and it went over about as well as syphilis does after a bachelor party gone horribly wrong. It's kind of a gutsy move, doing blackface. I guess the studio is banking on the hope that chop-busting, over-the-top comedy will be acceptable and nobody gets overly sensitive or raises a stink where there shouldn't be one. I laughed when Dave Chappelle used to bust out the whiteface. I hope Downey gets the same shake. It's a risky bet, but Downey has been on fire since the success of Iron Man so it might be worth it. Check out this clip in which he explains to Stiller's character about the degree of retardation that's appropriate to portray as an actor. If the whole movie is like this, I might have 6-pack abs by the end. Not that I'm far off now.

More later. Bed time.

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