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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Detroit Is Really Embarrassing

The mayor of Detroit is not in City Hall right now, he is in a federal pound me in the ass prison. Yes, that's right Kwame Kilpatrick was sent to jail for breaking the conditions of his bond by going to Canada for the night to gamble and pick up some cheap hookers, well that part isn't true but I wouldn't put it past him. Honestly how is he still the mayor? Is the city that corrupt that the acting mayor is actually in jail? It's just embarrassing. You would think that the people around him would say 'hey, listen, this is going to be a tough one to spin.... mayyyybeee we should think about resigning?' Mayors have resigned for a lot less in the past. This national news is going to make Detroit look like a dump... which it is, but I mean we don't need to go around reminding the nation every 2 months. At least we got those playoff bound Tigers.

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