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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More Links Than Scotland

+ Per the above photo: Have you ever taken one of those "Are You an Alcoholic?"-type tests where it asks you to check off all the "If you've ever..." boxes? They start off with innocent ones like "If you've ever had a drink to 'get loose' at a social function." Then they gradually get more and more unsavory? The last one is like, "If you've ever ran over a child whilst slugging a bottle of J.D. and listening to Kenny Loggins?" You look at the thing and there's like 50 boxes and you've answered honestly and you're scoring in the mid-20s. Standard. Then you look at the results: "If you've answered 'yes' to more than 4, you might be an alcoholic. Seek counsel immediately." That's what I felt like looking at this sign. There's pretty much no way I'm not going to hell. (By the way: Sports Fans? Seriously? I can't even imagine a single reason to include sports fans.)

+ Movie Mania: For me, I feel slightly more giddy about Burn After Reading (NSFW) than I do The Dark Knight. Odd, because I drink the superhero Kool-Aid as much as anyone. It's just that those Coen boys make such interesting movies and after No Country, their return to dark comedy is greatly appreciated. 

+ In other movie news that will blow your mind, here comes The Onion Movie. Hailed as "The Kentucky Fried Movie for Our Generation", the straight-to-DVD feature dropped yesterday. Do yourself a favor: rent Kentucky Fried, then peep Onion. Fellow 'Streamer Kevin introduced me to KFM in like 2000 and I laughed so hard my ribs and jaw ached all night. True story.

+ Games Radar chronicles The Worst Celebrity Renders of All-Time. I'd disagree with about half of them, especially considering how hard it used to be to translate Val Kilmer's glorious mug into a 32-bit cacophony. Still though, some are horribly funny.

+ While I still - at almost 23 years old - don't get a lot of their cartoons, there's no denying that The New Yorker has some very entertaining/interesting/quasi-useful articles. Case in point: their recent dissection of the hangover

+ Someone Got Fired For: In the U.K., there exists a department called the Office of Government Commerce. Recently, they decided they needed a fresh, new logo (probably so they'd seem hip to the kids, who had recently gotten stale on the OGC for reasons unknown). The idea was simple enough: "Hey guys, how about for the new logo, we have 'OGC', but we put them close together? It'd be kind of a streamlined look. Cool?" So that's what they did. Unfortunately for them (and great for all other members of the human race), the logo loses its simplicity when turned sideways. Cue up the porn music:

+ Lastly, we present the Emmy for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series:

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