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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Need To Waste Some Time?

// Blog Review: A couple of months ago, I attended a small panel discussion at MSU on the state of the American economy and the hardships being faced by lower-income families, specifically in Detroit. One of the panel members was an economic advisor to President Bush from 2002-2005. The discussion quickly became heated when the other 3 members of the panel (one of whom was a professor of mine) started hating on the Bush administration's penchant for surplus checks as an ill-conceived "quick fix" designed to garner better approval ratings. Naturally, the former Bush advisor hastily assumed a defensive posture. While I can't pretend to know enough about the situation to make a reasonable judgment, I can enjoy a good blog that puts a fun spin on those checks people get from the government. The aptly titled blog How I Spent My Surplus is totally reader-supported and surprisingly amusing. While it's perhaps not worth daily visits, the blog can definitely coax a chuckle or two. Check it.

// There has been a pretty good buzz going around (pun) about these anti-meth ads. These ads definitely take the classic "scared straight" principle to a whoooole new level. I literally couldn't look at more than three of those without feeling a little nauseous. At least not until the geniuses behind these parodies turned the disturbing ads into hilarious college football tomfoolery. Maybe NSFW, but peruse and enjoy.

// Poor Michigan. Excuse me, goodwill douchebags and government nice people impostors? How about giving the Great Lakes State some of that free cash instead of Myanmar?

// There are plenty of underrated traditions in sports. Countless gems of heritage have gotten lost in the shuffle over recent years since ESPN decreed that no sports teams exist if they're not from the northeast. I'm actually starting to believe they're going to build a 100-foot-high wall just west of Philly and call it a day. Fortunately, one timeless legacy has managed to retain its top billing: the playoff beard. Greg Wyshynski breaks down this year's catalog of facial hair here.

// Neat news from Hollywood: Josh Schwartz, the mind behind The O.C. and Gossip Girl, will be developing the script for the upcoming X-Men Wolverine spinoff. I thought about this chappy working on a superhero movie and I foresaw a rough learning curve after cutting his teeth with teen dramas. Then, a great idea went and smacked me upside the head. How about a teen drama... set at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters? It would be a perfect fit for The CW or ABC Family or some other b.s. station nobody watches, plus they would attract a fairly large nerd (me) audience. Seriously. Next stop: Ratingsville.

// From The Department of Useless But Fun Stuff: solo cup-looking wine glasses. The purchase would definitely require some disposable income - heavy emphasis on disposable - but they might be fun to have around the house.

// Living in Metro Detroit affords itself some unique "rites of passage" moments. One of these occurs after being exposed your first slang words for sex and sex-related topics. I can still remember when I first figured it out. I was driving up to Somerset with my friend Larry and his mom and I thought, "Wait... Big Beaver? Is that really what the exit is called? That can't b- really?!? Holy crap!! Big Beaver! AHAHA! And it's exit 69!! What were they thinking? What a bunch of idiots!! HAHAHA!!....oh boy, I can't wait to grow armpit hair." My awkward puberty years aside, it appears that the people who name roads in Kentucky might've just one-upped their Oakland County counterparts.

// Lastly, some Facebook groups are never meant to be left:

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I'll say this. My surplus check is going straight to Sharkeys in a couple weeks. Michigan's economy is in a bit of a pickle, and yet Sharks continues to earn its best-of-breed status when it comes downriver bars. They find the best DJ. They serve pitchers of beer at a reasonable price. All thats left is to encourage the bartenders to reveal a little sideboob.