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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spring Cleaning

April was a pretty good month, but I've got a feeling that May could be a real barnburner. In the blogospheric version of spring cleaning, I've decided to dispense - rapid fire - the best of all the remaining links I've accrued this past month. To coincide with the changing seasons, all of the little plus signs will be in sequential RAINBOW COLORS! I'm doing this in the morning because I plan on drowning myself in Bavarian hops (and quite possibly some liquor endorsed by a fictional pirate) for the rest of the day. Let's set sail...

+ Characters from The Wire drawn in the style of The Simpsons. I like animation crossovers, like the episode of South Park where the boys are drawn in anime. Part of me wishes there was more stuff like this.
+ Here's an ABC News article about a children's book made for kids whose parents are having elective cosmetic surgery. I have nothing against plastic surgery, I understand why people do it, and I fully support the people who get stuff done. That being said, do we really have to sugarcoat the kids? Just tell them what's up! 
+ I really don't care how well he swims for the U.S., I'm beginning to hate Michael Phelps.
+ From the Department of Bitchin' Furniture: Branch Light.
+ Disappointing article about the revival of class warfare at Dodger Stadium.
+ Rick Rolls. Quite literally.
+ The Top 5 Laziest Inventions. Kinda funny. Nothing to write home about.
+ I was genuinely excited about this one: Disney and Pixar's lineup through 2012. They all have brief little synopses. Not surprisingly, they all sound like decent movies. Although I have never seen - nor do I plan on seeing - Cars. So I'm not really looking forward to Cars 2.
+ Hosting an office party soon? How about having the words on the banner in this nudist typeface? Aaaaaaaaaand you're fired.
+ 2 Star Wars links in one sitting. Think you can handle it? First up is a collection of photos by Cedric Delsaux that takes the SW characters and transplants them into modern, ubran settings. Next there's a poster that looks a little too good to be true. You decide if it's legit.
+ More from the furniture store: an LED rug that looks like a must-have if you're a cokehead. On Mars. Going through a divorce. Nah, I'm just kidding I think it's rad and I want one.
+ The Big Ten strikes again! A team of Boilermakers is responsible for this automated hamburger-making device. Chalk one up for the good guys.
+ Last, but certainly not least: the opening credits for Star Wars done in the style of Saul Bass:

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Purdue folks to figure out how to make a hamburger more efficiently. There can't be much going on in West Lafeyette these days. Bet Joe Tiller approves.