As this is an election year, and before we know it we will be voting for the next President of the United States, let us look back in history of the greatest Presidents that this nation has seen.
#5) President Tom Beck
Famous Quote: "Cities fall but they are rebuilt. Heroes die but they are remembered. Life will go on, we will prevail."
Beck's Presidency will forever be defined by the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. However, through Beck's message of hope and optimism we survived and rebuilt after a Comet struck Earth and wiped out the Eastern seaboard of the United States and most of Western Europe. We cannot hand pick Presidents that we want when events like this happen, but if we could do it again, Beck would still have my vote. The best attribute of President Beck was his honesty. He was very non-discrete and blunt about the effects that the that Comets would have upon Earth. Describing in detail the mega-tsunami that was looming in the future. Beck hoped for the best, but also planned for the worst... creating the first ever "Noah cave" where 1 million Americans would have shelter for two years after the Comet struck. However, it was not needed as President Beck commissioned the astronauts of the Messiah to kamikaze the larger Comet, which saved the rest of the world. Beck's presidency may be defined by disaster, but for those of us that survived, it was defined as hope in the face of despair.
#4) President James Marshall
Famous Quote: "Atrocity and terror are not political weapons. And to those who would use them, your day is over. We will never negotiate. We will no longer tolerate and we will no longer be afraid. It's your turn to be afraid."President Marshall sustained a long standing position of the United States that started with Ronald Reagan, that being that the United States does not negotiate with terrorists. Why does this make him such a great President? Try saying that when a Soviet neo-nationalist has a gun pointed at you and your family! Marshall will always be remembered as the President that got his plane hijacked and then took it back single handedly. A President that wasn't just words, but action. President Marshall was a man that looked terror right in the eye and told it to get off his plane.
#3) President David Palmer
Famous Quote: "The risk of attacking innocent countries is unacceptable. We have to be sure."
[Everybody is sure, Mr. President. Everybody but you.]
"Well, as it happens, I'm the only one who counts."
Talk about a President that had people out to get him. An assassination attempt against him when he was a Senator, when he was President, and a successful one when he was retired. President Palmer was a very strong President who stuck by his guns and was a President instead of a politician. And it was not easy for him to do this, he had war hawks breathing down his neck, attempted criminal cover ups, and a crazy whore of a wife. His own cabinet even tried to enact the 25th Amendment on him! Through all of this Palmer came through and became one of our more popular Presidents. The assassination of Palmer brought great grief to this country, and he will be missed.
#2) President Abraham LincolnFamous Quote: ""I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal."
President Lincoln has a fairly large resume. To sum it up briefly, Lincoln saved the Union, brought an end to slavery, is the father of the Republican Party, is the only President to have his term defined completely by war, was a tremendous speaker, and even had a great sense of humor. Keeping the Union together during a time like that is an amazing feat, and we all know his famous speeches, "The Gettysburg Address" and "The Emancipation Proclamation". President Lincoln has gone down in history as our greatest President, but still does not compare to #1.
#1) President Thomas J. Whitmore
Famous Quote: "Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"
President Whitmore faced the worst known alien terrorist attack in history. Aliens that hated us for our freedom were trying to kill us. President Whitmore tried desperately to make diplomacy work, but was only shut down. In an attempt to talk to one of the aliens, Whitmore was able to see its thoughts and realized that they were going to annihilate us. Any lesser of a President would of hid in a shelter until it was over, but not Whitmore. He suited up and piloted an F-15 in the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind, as the Secret Service sat that one out. He successfully destroyed their ship and commissioned another ship to plant a virus and a nuke in their mothership. President Whitmore saved the U.S., and the world for that matter, at the cost of only a few major cities around the world. Not to mention that he was voted world's sexiest man before the attack... a President that is sexy and kills aliens? He's got my vote.
LOL thats great
I love how you threw Abe in there
Inspiring speakers, practical activists, strong leaders... The men on this list helped define America.
How did Xander Berkeley get booted from Air Force One into the ocean ("Get off my plane" -James Marshall), presumably die, and then reappear years later under David Palmer's counsel?
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